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How do I contact the library?
- The library's contact information is on the SBVC Library homepage.
- Chat, email, call, or come by.
When is the library open?
- The library's current hours are on the SBVC Library homepage.
- When the library is closed, you can still chat with an academic librarian.
Does the library have my textbooks?
- Textbooks are available from the SBVC Bookstore. Bookstore hours and contact information are listed on the Store News & Hours page. See the BookSaver website for information and FAQs on that program.
- We do carry a few textbooks. Contact Library Circulation at 909-384-4448 or visit the SBVC Library homepage for more contact information.
- If your professor says there is a book on reserve for your class, contact Library Circulation at 909-384-4448 or visit the SBVC Library homepage for more contact information.
How Many Books Can I Check Out and for How Long?
- You can check out 15 library books at a time, 5 from the same subject.
- Library books have a 3-week checkout period.
- We have 2 extensive ebook collections that have no checkout or access limits.
- Search library books and ebooks through OneSearch, using the filters for books on the left. You can also search for ebooks directly from our Ebooks guide.
Is there online access to the library?
- You can access the library's online resources from home. Visit the SBVC Library homepage to access academic articles, newspaper and magazine articles, background and reference articles, film and video, and more.
What services does the library offer?
- If you're on campus, you can come to the library to check out a book; get help with research and online resources; use a computer; print or make copies; use a study room for group work; relax.
- If you're at home, you can access the library's resources -- and contact a librarian for help -- from the SBVC Library homepage.
- If the library is closed, you can still chat with an academic librarian.
How much do printing and copying cost?
- Black and white prints and copies are 10 cents per page.
- Color prints and copies are 50 cents per page.
- Bring change or single dollar bills, as this is the easiest way to add money to student print accounts.
I want to learn more. Are there library workshops?
- Yes! The library offers 30-minute library workshops. Visit the SBVC Library for links to information.
- The Writing Center and Library offer a 1-hour Research Breakdown workshop. Visit Writing Center Workshops to sign up.
I forgot to return a library book. What are the fines?
- Currently, the library is not charging late fees. You can return library books at the book drops in Parking Lot 1 and in front of the library or at the Circulation desk.
- Books that are not returned will still result in replacement charges.
Reference 909-384-8289 • Circulation 909-384-4448