Whereas the in-text citation is a small snippet of information, each Reference entry contains the rest of that bibliographic information. The reference page is it's very own page, at the end of your paper, and it will include one citation entry per outside source that you use. So, if you used three outside sources, you'd have three citation entries on your reference page. Each reference entry is going to be different depending on the source you are citing.
Weitkeamp, M. (19 Dec. 2019). How Star Wars revolutionized entertainment. National Air and Space Museum,
Author last name, author initial. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of article. Website name. URL.
5 reasons to go to Star Wars celebration for the first time. (21 Feb. 2023). Lucasfilm.
Title of the article. (Publication Year, Month Day). Website name. URL.
NASA. (2024). Meet 8 ‘Star Wars’ Planets in Our Own Galaxy.
Organization Name. (Publication date). Title of the article. URL.
Dresang, E.T., & Koh, K. (2009). Radical change theory, youth information behavior, and school libraries. Library Trends, 58(1), 26-50.
Author last name, author first initial. (Publication year). "Title of article." Title of the Journal, vol. #, issue #, pp. page range, Database, DOI.
Stover. M. (2005). Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Del Rey Books.
Author last name, author first initial. (Year). Title of the the Book. Publication.
Estelle Frankel, V. (2021). Star Wars and the Hero’s Journey : Mythic Character Arcs Through the 12-Film Epic. McFarland. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=2888623&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Author last name, author first initial. (Published year). Title of E-book. Publisher. PERMALINK.
Crewe, Dave. “Cinema Science: Using the Force of Star Wars.” Metro, no. 204, May 2020, pp. 86–91. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f6h&AN=142970444&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Author last name, author first initial. (Year published). Article name. Title of Web Magazine, issue number, URL.
Brown, T. (3 May 2024). 'The Phantom Menace" built the way forward, but it took time. Los Angeles Times, , https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-05-03/the-1999-project-star-wars-episode-i-phantom-menace-franchise
Author's last name, author first initial. (Year of publication, Month Day if Given). Title of article. Name of Newspaper. URL.
Godfrey, C. (23 May 2022). Redemption is a powerful concept: Hayden Christensen on Star Wars and daring to return as Darth Vader. The Guardian.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication, Month Day if Given). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Newspaper.
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